Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Random realizations 1

- Sometimes, we think that our good intentions are always right, because we are often blinded by our own desires that also leads us to forget about what the other person will truly feel. We should always try put ourselves in their shoes first before making any move, otherwise, conflict will arise.

- Whenever I commit a mistake, I now tell myself that it's either I'm stuck at the spot forever or i will accept, learn from it, and move on. It's easier said than done, though. Usually, I'm stuck at first. Guilt, sadness, and anger will cloud my mind, and then I'll begin to accept the bitter truth. That's how it goes. 

- I also realized that we can never dictate nor ask a person of what we want them to do for us. Don't you think it's better if that person do things for you coming from their heart and without asking them to do it? All people know these, but unfortunately, we often forget. This should set as a reminder for me and for other people too.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the follow hun!
i would love to follow you!
keep blogging, would love to read your posts!
keep in touch!
hugs and kisses!

Jessica Fernandez said...

No problem. I'm looking forward to read your posts! :) Thanks for the follow too! :) x